Research at RWU

A Culture of Research, Scholarship and Creativity

网赌的十大网站致力于营造一种环境,在这种环境中,研究和创造力与各个层次的高质量教学相结合. 大学提供重要的资源和行政支持,以创建活跃的研究项目.

student feeds clown fish in wet lab

Marine and Biological Research

RWU Faculty, staff, 学生们深入研究生物和海洋科学技术的前沿,以及海洋事务的法律和政策问题. 这些活动中有许多是由政府机构和部门通过研究经费从外部资助的, private foundations, and corporations.  The science and policy have impact on local, regional, and national interests in sustainability, economics, and society.

Recent Marine and Biological Publications
students teach 4th graders to build wind turbines

Sustainability and Environmental Research

As a cross-cutting research area, 可持续发展和环境研究在整个大学的各个学院进行, centers, and University college.  Faculty and students work on problems across a range of disciplines including architecture, engineering, construction management, business, law, politics, and culture.  这些努力不断发展,以满足21世纪生态环境的重要需要.

Recent Sustainability and Environmental Publications
Teacher points at interactive wall of screens

Innovation and Technology Research

在RWU,创新和技术研究的机会越来越多.  整个大学都有一种创业精神,用创新的解决方案来解决技术问题, social needs, or educational challenges.  Projects include open educational resources, cybersecurity programs, maker spaces, and virtual learning.

Recent Innovation and Technology Publications
sheriff hat sits in court

Law and Justice Studies Research

At RWU, research in the area of law and justice studies ranges from civil liberties, constitutional law, national security, international trade, indigenous people’s law, interviewing and interrogation, smart policing initiatives, and reducing gun violence through integrated evidence sharing. Undergraduate and graduate students work with Faculty investigators on these projects, 有几个是由外部资助的,包括司法部、州和地方警察机构.

Recent Law and Justice Studies Publications
A student is interviewed on their public humanities research

Public Humanities and Arts Research

Faculty, students, RWU各学科的工作人员都参与了公共人文和艺术项目,这些项目在我们地区创造了未被充分代表的故事和群体, our country, and around the globe. These investigations have inclusive narratives that include the spoken, the written, the visual, the theatrical, and the embodied. 项目范围从“隐藏的真相:种族和地方的故事系列讲座”到“普罗维登斯真相与和解过程”再到“罗德岛奴隶历史奖章项目研究”.”

Recent Public Humanities and Arts Publications

网赌的十大网站致力于营造一种环境,在这种环境中,研究和创造力与各个层次的高质量教学相结合. 大学提供重要的资源和行政支持,以创建活跃的研究项目.

Research Compliance Information
Research Information for Faculty
Research Information for Students

Research Resources

Human Subjects Review Board

网赌的十大网站(RWU)的HSRB保护参加在大学进行的研究或由RWU社区成员赞助的个人. We also offer resources and consultation to students, staff, and faculty conducting research with human participants.

HSRB Information

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs


Grant Resource Center

Undergraduate Fellowships and Research

RWU为寻求一系列著名奖学金的本科生提供广泛的指导. Fellowships are awards offered by organizations outside of RWU. 许多提供重要的财政支持以及宝贵的机会,以加强你的研究, academic goals, and career plans.

Undergraduate Fellowships

Recent Articles by RWU Researchers

Innovation and Technology Research

Justice Studies Research

Marine and Biological Research

Public Humanities and Arts Research

Sustainability and Environmental Research

Feature Stories